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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

Worse Than Me

Yesterday I had a little pity party for myself. I was not feeling great and it is easy to say poor me. I started reading through my poetry and I read this poem I had written while at my three month check up at MD Anderson. I then remembered why I wrote it. I saw people all around me dealing with a lot more than me. How did God know I would need to read this poem today? God is awesome!

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Psalm 82:3

No matter my sin
Or problem in life
I know there are others
Who have more strife

Others who struggle
To keep their head up
And hold it all together
With an overflowing cup

Others who have not
A loved one to share
All their burdens and problems
And feeling no one cares

Others who have given up
On the world they live in
Feeling lonely and abandoned
And so unforgiven

So today I will pray
For those downtrodden souls
To see their Father's love
Before them unfold


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