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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

With God

My emotions were all over the place during this journey. Some days I was weak and realized my need for God. Some days I was lost and left my God. I am ashamed to say that, but it is the truth. Every emotion I felt was completely raw. Although I was not always faithful, God was always faithful!

I imagine walking with God down this peaceful path and finding comfort with Him!

I will be fearless And fight this fight I will rely on God With all my might

I will seek God Even in troubled waters And ask His advice So I don’t falter

I will look to Him To guide me through it all Holding my heart in His hand Never letting me fall

I will be truthful To others about my journey Not hiding from them But sharing it completely

I will not be afraid To share my emotions Standing before God With pure devotion

I will not stand quietly Before my Father’s throne But boldly go before Him For I am never alone

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