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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

Stealing My Joy

I have been stressed for the last week over my book because there are a couple of errors. It will be corrected, but Satan was working overtime stealing my joy! Thank goodness I have a Godly sister, Jan, who said, “Diane, you have had cancer. This is so small in the big scheme of things and people won’t care!” Amen, sister, amen.

The below picture was taken a few weeks before my surgery last December!

“Get behind me Satan!”, He said. “You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Mark 8:33

I'm letting Satan
Steal all my joy
He is playing with my emotions
Like his own personal toy

The good God gave me
Disappeared in a second
Because I let Satan
Change my perspective

So now I say no
To Satan and his plan
I know I'm not perfect
And I know who I am

I am God's child
So I'll live in His light
Not in the chaos
Of Satan's plight


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