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  • dparkhurst5

Rest My Weary Soul

Do you ever wake up worried? I did today. God gave me a verse that comforted me and He revealed to me that what I was worried about was nothing, as usual. Satan loves to make us weak through worry, but God uses our weakness to make us strong!

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29

Rest my weary soul

In the arms of my Saviour

I pray for forgiveness

And ask for Your favor

Favor on this reckless one

Who tends to leave the fold

Searching for the unknown

In places I should not go

I need to find rest in God

And keep focusing on Him

Asking for forgiveness

Turning away from sin

Rest my weary soul

For the place I seek

Is in the arms of my Saviour

Resting safely in His keep

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