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  • dparkhurst5

Prayer for Major

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

I am posting this again for the Williams family! Please continue to pray for Major! They have a gofundme page as well if you want to donate! There will be a prayer vigil tonight at MCS flagpole at 8 pm!

God gave me this prayer poem after praying for Major. He is a sweet little boy trying to grow up with a terrible brain problem. Please pray for him! We love you Major!

He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

Lord let Major heal

Completely and in every way

I pray there are no ill effects

And he is normal when he wakes

I ask You give them peace

As they walk this road with You

That they will know You will use

Everything they are going through

I know You have the family

In the palm of Your hand

And You have gone before them

To clear a perfect path

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