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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

No Greater Love

I wrote this after my morning time with God. He reminded me that He wants me to love others well! God is the greatest love!

Thank you to those who have served our country and their spouses and children.

Have a great week!

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13

I want to love others
As God loves all
To love unconditionally 
Unafraid to fall

No fear of disappointment 
If they don’t love me back
Knowing you are emulating
God and are on the right track

Love is a selfless gesture
And our greatest demonstration 
Is Christ on the cross
Who died for us without hesitation 

For no greater love than this
Is to die for one’s friends
So I pray that everyday
This is the love I extend 

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