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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

I Will Sing Your Praises

I wrote this while waiting for my results from my doctor at MD Anderson. I was nervous. The doctor was running late which gave me more time to worry. But then God gave me this poem. No matter what, I will sing His praises.

I am cancer free!

Sing praises to our God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. Psalm 47:6

I will sing Your praises for this day
No matter what it holds
Whether it leads me to a happy place
Or my world it unfolds 

I will sing Your praises Father
No matter what life brings
Whether basking in the sun
Or a storm my way it flings

I will sing Your praises God
Whether dead of night sends distress
Or the warm morning sun
Brings me a great newness

I will sing Your praises Lord
When I see your blessings 
And even when You want
Me to learn hard lessons

I will sing Your praises my Father
When Your plans for me are clear
And also when I cannot see 
Blinded by my own fear


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