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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

I Hate Cancer

I have posted this before but I want to post again. A friend of mines family member has been diagnosed with cancer. I know so many who have dealt with cancer in one way or another. I pray for a cure!

I wrote this poem after visiting with some sweet neighbors who had a friend recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Her diagnosis does not look good, but I believe that God can heal her! I have lost so many loved ones to cancer, known so many who have had cancer and experienced it myself. I hate this disease called cancer!

No weapon formed against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you Isaiah 54:17

I hate cancer
I hate what it does
It can decimate
The people we love

I hate cancer 
And how it can kill
Causing so much pain
And fear it instills

I hate cancer 
Because it destroys
Lives worth so much
And agony it deploys

I hate cancer
It can take our sanctuary
It rips peace from us
And makes us unsteady

I hate cancer
And how it can cause
Us to forget God's path
And put us on pause

I hate cancer
But I love God more
He will stand with us
Of this I am sure


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