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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

Gone Too Soon

I wrote this because I have read about so many tragic deaths recently in my community. I pray for each one going through this hardship. It doesn’t matter what age you lose someone, it is always too soon! God is our Healer!

Where O death is your victory? Where O death is your sting? 1 Corinthians 15:55

I remember the day 
Each loved one died
And it was never easy
To have to say goodbye 

You wonder if your broken
Heart will ever heal
The thought of life without them
Makes all the pain so real 

It feels as though your lungs
Have no more air to breathe
And you are always wondering
When you will have a reprieve

For those who have hope
In our Father up above 
We continue living knowing
One day we will see our loves

You will have a peace that
Surpasses understanding with the Lord
Because He reminds us everyday
That we will be restored 


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