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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

Don’t Judge

I found myself judging a person’s journey to God. I could hear God ask who are you to judge them? Are you perfect? Has your journey with me been perfection? No and No. I am the perfect picture of imperfection. God is working on me everyday and I have no right to judge anyone!

I love this picture because the tree’s imperfection makes it more beautiful. I think God sees us all as beautiful imperfections!

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:2

Don't judge others
And put a label on them
You haven't walked in their shoes
You don't know where they have been

I hear God ask me
Why are you judgmental
Because you too are a sinner
So be kind and gentle

You aren't perfect
What gives you the right
To judge someone else's
Unknown path and plight

God will judge me
With the same wrath
That I judge others while
Walking their path


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