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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

Counting My Blessings

This last week has been tough. Everything that could go wrong with plumbing, went wrong. Everyday I had a plumber at my house and I have a very bad headache that would not go away! I’m not sharing this for pity, but to glorify God!

The song Counting Every Blessing came on my phone. I knew God was reminding me of where my focus should be today. He reminded me of how He has saved me in so many ways! He reminded me that He healed me of cancer! He reminded me of all that I have!

God is so good!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

It is sometimes hard
To count my blessings
When life gets real
And I’m getting daily lessons

Lessons on struggles
Endured everyday
Nothing too serious
Just things not going my way

And then I stop
And think to myself
You are so blessed
So put the pity on a shelf

I have my health
And my wonderful family
That God has bestowed
With such love for me

So I will look past
The daily hardships and pain
I will find my blessings
And His name I will proclaim


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