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  • Writer's pictureKyle Barr

Be Kind And Gentle

I wrote this after going through check in at the airport. This was a good reminder God gave me.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

In line at the airport
A distressed lady rolled her eyes
And initially I thought
Why can’t she sympathize

Sympathize with the agents
Trying to get us through
Making sure we are safe
With so much to do

Then the lady spoke up
And said her plane leaves in ten
I offered her to go before me
And it was only then

She said thank you
And shared her mom was dying
She had just hired hospice yesterday
And was upset and hated flying

We hugged each other
And her eyes filled with tears
I told I would pray
That God would calm her fears

This brief encounter
Reinforced what I knew
You don’t know the struggles
Without walking in their shoes

So just a reminder
When you see someone distressed
Be kind and gentle
And help them be blessed

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