I wrote this while going through my journey with cancer. There was so much unknown that caused me fear. I have to admit a year out, I still struggle with fear of cancer coming back. I pray for our fears to subside!
I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4
This was after yet another night of waking up thinking the worst would happen.
Fear tears me down With what ifs and maybes It throws me into turmoil Knowing it will delay me
It takes control of my mind Its intent is to destroy And render me helpless So it can take all my joy
It seeks my demise Stealing my inner peace Fear leaves me wondering If the torment will ever cease
Somehow it knows every Weak crevice in my heart It knows how to dismantle me And tear me apart
Destruction of my faith Is its intention for me It wants full control Of my thoughts, words and deeds
I refer to it as fear But it has much deeper roots It consorts with the devil Its intention is constant abuse